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La Salle Basketball Camp

The La Salle High School Annual basketball camp is a great way to allow kids to interact with high school students and have a great time learning basketball fundamentals. We hope you'll join us!

Registration is $45 per student. Please click the Complete Payment button at the bottom to submit payment. If paying for multiple students, please change the item quantity on the next page.

When completing payment, please include all of the students names that you're paying for and their shirt sizes (pictured below).

If you need further assistance or have questions, please call the school at 509-225-2900 and ask for Lisa Kanelopoulos.

La Salle is a Catholic, college preparatory high school where students are loved and educated by teachers who are inspired by the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and the Brothers of the Christian schools. La Salle High School educates students spiritually, academically, and socially through the promotion of an active faith life, commitment to curricular and co-curricular excellence, and push them toward further learning comparable to their gifts and potential. La Salle includes, welcomes, and serves students and families from throughout the Yakima Valley who value Lasallian education and who represent a broad social, ethnic, religious, and economic diversity.